90 Watt Thick Glass Halogen Bulb

Circa 1996, this is a 90 watt halogen light bulb made by GE. It is made of very thick, heavy glass. It gets VERY hot while in use, and takes a very long time to cool down after being turned off. Over the years I have seen many people put these bulbs up for auction on eBay.com, thinking they might be worth something. I bought mine at a retail store in the 90's, when it was still new, so I can't comment on who might want to buy such a bulb. Probably just me, and I already have one! But, if you found one new in its original box, who knows...

There is a small halogen capsule inside this bulb. Early halogen capsules could suddenly explode, usually towards the end of their life, and send hot shards flying everywhere, so in order to compensate for this problem, early halogen bulbs like this one had to have very thick glass, thick enough to readily contain such an explosion. That is why the glass on this bulb is so thick.

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