2019 Auction Archive (page 2)
This is page 2 of the 2019 archive. If you have questions, feel free to send me a message.
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GE electric three frosted carbon filament heat bulb radiator heater, copper lined ($310, $60 shipping) apr-2019
GE mazda 200w 120v clear light bulb with original sleeve, marked P.S. OF N.I. ($8, $9.70 shipping) jul-2019
Huge 1000w 130v GE light bulb w. Mogul Base, Bonus Line Lamp w. axial coiled coil tungsten fil., w. sleeve, dud ($13 not sold) nov-2019
Huge lot of 65 westinghouse mazda cobalt blue and ruby red light bulbs 1930s ($300, $25 shipping) may-2019
Large clear 1500w light bulb MAGNO-TRONIC Special Service 4000 hours weatherproof ($75 not sold) feb-2019
Large hygrade tungsten cage filament light bulb 94w RAILWAY 5 in series on 600v, used ($14, $7.74 shipping) jul-2019
Large inside-frosted cobalt blue light bulb with skirt extension, likely a 1000w theatre light, works dec-2019
Light bulbs lot, edison GEM, heater bulb, neon crucifix, 220v carbon bulb ($36 + $9.85 shipping) jan-2019
Lot of 4 bulbs incl. gilmore elec co. Boston bulb with 3 loop filament, also mazda, edison, frosted carbon bulb ($16, $15 shipping) aug-2019
Lot of 5 light bulbs, cage filament and carbon filament, COMCO Japan, property of the schenectady utility co. ($25, $12 shipping) oct-2019
Lot of 7 old light bulbs incl. edison tubular, 32cp carbon filament, tungar bulb, mccandless 2cp 115v, filaments intact sep-2019
Lot of 9 working light bulbs, painted chinese lantern, Edison Mazda, nalco, westinghouse ($22.50, $13 shipping) feb-2019
Lot of various bulbs and sockets incl. edison-westinghouse combo base bulb, only 1 works ($180 not sold) jun-2019
Low voltage mystery light bulb, christmas tree filament, mogul base with adapter included ($24.50, $8 shipping) apr-2019
LUX cage fil. light bulbs box w. 4 sleeves and 3 bulbs, only 1 is actual LUX, others are mazdas, all untested ($11.50, $8 shipping) nov-2019
Luxor coiled tungsten filament light bulb bonus rated 150w 125v, works ($6.90, $5.50 shipping) nov-2019
Mazda cage fil. bulb w. unusual label CHAMPION TUNGSTEN licensed under GE 25w 125v Type B vacuum lamp ($9, $9.50 sh.) apr-2019
Miniature horseshoe carbon filament exhaust tip light bulb with 10V label ($20, $3.94 shipping) mar-2019
Miracle of 1879 edison golden jubilee commemorative replica light bulb, perfect cond. ($96, $8 shipping) oct-2019
Miracle of 1879 edison golden jubilee commemorative replica light bulbs 1929 & 1969 ($75, $16 shipping) nov-2019
Mogul base edison mazda tungsten cage filament light bulb, broken filament ($3, $5.38 shipping) jan-2019
Motion picture studio round mogul bi-post light bulb RADIANT 2000w 120v ECK-3350K, 8 listed, only 1 sold ($100, $21.50 sh.) dec-2019